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Fall 2020 Newsletter

Fall 2020 Newsletter

The coronavirus pandemic has treated an unpredictable landscape for employers. As of right now, states are in various stages of their phased reopening plans and many employers have either brought employees back to the physical workplace or are planning to do so.

Summer 2020 Newsletter

Summer 2020 Newsletter

Th e Covid-19 pandemic has offered a great reminder to review the elements of your estate plan. Below are some key items to consider. Set up a call with
your estate planning lawyer to consider any specific details related to your own plan.

Spring 2020 Newsletter

Spring 2020 Newsletter

As an employer, you should know that the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires workers to be paid a federal minimum wage and that wage workers and certain “nonexempt” salaried workers who work more than 40 hours in a week receive overtime pay at one and a half times their normal rate for each extra hour.

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